Wednesday, May 4, 2011

She stepped back a few paces. Staring at all the aspects in front of her, through hazy eyes. No more can she see different shades, but a world of black and white.
In front of her, a man; a frail man who sees with words, and phrases and metaphorical gestures. Searching for the grammatical errors within the human race, he says this is his duty.
Across the street she stares, in a daze, the street lights beaming on her face causing her pupils to dialate and her mind to unravel. She wants to go home, oh how she longs for it.

But home is a place she just cannot find. She says it's within her soul but her soul is far too clouded with the memories of what once was a happy childhood.
Along the footpath, she spies a boy, not yet a grown man, but on his way. This boy has thoughts and reasons, all too the same as the next but the slight differences are what he longs to explore.
His thoughts are not tainted, his heart undefined, he says his duty is to discover what he once already knew. His duty is to find himself within the next person.

She takes a step forward, into a world she does not control, nor, does she want to, she turns her head and spies a small girl. A fragile girl who's life has barely begun.
Who has, as they say, "a whole life ahead of her," but what if she didn't want to move forward, but stay where she finds herself safe?
In a world created by nothing but her imagination. She is yet to find out that this world will be ripped from her heart and the remains of her dreams is what she will strive to hold onto forever.
But she has yet to find out.

Holding the girls hand, a woman. A woman who had found out she was pregnant and had to stop her life and interrupt her dreaming.
She wasn't ready for this, not now. She didn't feel strong or stable enough to hold a life within her own.
To reach in to the depths of her everything and hand it to somebody who had put brought everything she had worked for to a hault.
But she needed a reason more than anything. She believes that her darliing was brought into this world as her saviour, as her reason.
As she holds her daughters tiny hand she feels a sense of accomplishment. A sense of well being; knowing that she put herself aside for something much more important.
But what if she had not?
This is the question that she will never be able to answer, but it does not discontent her, for so many doors have been opened for her in this world.
And for that, she is greatful.

Now, walking into darkness, this girl is more determined then she has ever been. She wants to find herself and her lost dreams.
And now she will. She will open her eyes and look for her once colourful imagination. If only she could see into the souls and hearts of others, she thought.
But if she was able, she would not find herself. She would not move forward, and how she longed to move forward.
To finally be home.
She's home.

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