Sunday, August 29, 2010


Last night, for no reason at all, I found you in my head again. I was in his arms, you were in my head. I wanted you to go away so badly. I was over-whelmed with "what if's," I couldn't handle it anymore. I told him you found your way into my head again. I then began to sob. So many questions. Why did you leave? Why don't you love me? Why do I love you? When will I stop missing you? I told him how frustrating it is to know you're still here, but I can't have you. I thought about how it would be easier if I had that finality. If I knew there was never a possibility you'd come back; I could finally move on. Though, I suppose there's going to be a time when i'm going to have to stop waiting up for you. I just don't know when that'll be.
Can you atleast give me an answer to that, mum?